In plain language: Why blockchain conferences reveal the structural problems of the ICO market

When last autumn the topics blockchain and crypto currencies were boiled up in public attention, the demand for blockchain conferences was enormous and the supply of conferences hardly met this demand. Now, several months later, the interest in the crypto economy is still high, but there is a saturation of blockchain conferences – ticket sales are becoming more and more difficult, the subsequent discounts larger and larger.

Virtually every week a blockchain conference takes place somewhere in Europe which claims to be the biggest, greatest, best. The arms race for the most speakers, the most exhibitors, the most investors has been going on for a long time. However, these conferences have not been about knowledge exchange or knowledge transfer for a long time.

The Bitcoin secret is simple

ICO exhibitors are promised to meet many wealthy investors and Bitcoin secret investors are promised to meet the most promising Bitcoin secret according to onlinebetrug. These international networking events will be rounded off by lectures and panels on the same topics. The transition between objective knowledge transfer and the pitch of one’s own project is in parts fluent. The same speakers are also frequently encountered, so that the question occasionally arises as to whether some of these people are still seriously employed (e.g. working on a blockchain project) or have meanwhile become full-time blockchain speakers.

The arbitrariness of cryptosoft conferences

The cryptosoft conferences are becoming more and more an end in themselves in order to squander the horrendous marketing budgets of the ICOs: In the pre-ICO phase, around 80 percent of the collected money is often spent on marketing, after that it is often still 30 to 50 percent – often there is not much money left for innovation. Driven by this marketing machinery, which has become independent in the meantime, the exhibitor stands blur into an optical uniform mush.

Roll-up banners with a globe as the main motif and decentralised light paths adorn the covers of the advertising materials. In addition, key words such as: AI, IoT, Big Data or Peer-to-Peer and in combination with the word Blockchain. If you ask the ICO exhibitors why it has to be a blockchain solution for their business model or which function the token should actually fulfil, you will hear memory-learned phrases – you are seldom really wiser afterwards.

In the manner of market criers, attention is courted in the ICO exhibitor areas for the scarce good, which forces each individual startup to lapse into superlatives in order to at least find a hearing – this is where the structural problems of the ICO market reveal themselves.

Nevertheless, despite all the criticism and discomfort, these conferences have their justification. Large international meetings are needed to physically gather the global crypto community in one place. Many are looking for these networking events to meet investors and build business relationships. As a participant, however, you have to know what you are getting into at such an event – instead of a blockchain conference, the term ICO Tupper Party would be much more appropriate in many cases.